Chapter 1, Introduction
Cell Saver
User Manual
P/N 120745-IE, Manual revision: AA
of the Sequestration Protocol is to collect an autologous, preoperative, platelet
rich plasma product for reinfusion to the same patient within 6 hours of
Warning: The Cell Saver Elite device is not intended to be used for chest
(pleural or mediastinal) wound drainage.
Follow the guidelines for general autotransfusion contraindications per the
Guidelines for Blood Recovery and Reinfusion in Surgery and Trauma
The risk/benefit ratio of blood salvage must be determined on an individual
basis by the surgeons, anesthesiologists, and transfusion medicine specialists
involved in the patient’s care. The use of reinfused blood from the Cell Saver
Elite system may be contraindicated, for example, in the case of sepsis or
malignancy. The responsibility for the use of this device belongs solely to the
physician in charge.
Features of the
Cell Saver Elite
The Cell Saver Elite system includes key enhancements to the Cell Saver line
of products that increase device capabilities and ease of use. These
enhancements include:
Three suction options: on-board SmartSuction
technology, regulated
on-board suction, and post-op suction.
The ability to retain data for up to 100 procedures and continue a
procedure after being powered down during transport from the operating
room to the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU).
A built-in barcode reader to record disposable set(s), solutions, and
operator/patient information.
The ability to download data using a USB flash drive.
A touch-screen display that provides both a simple interface during
operation and allows users to easily access advanced configuration
A fat reduction protocol