Chapter 2, Equipment Description
Cell Saver
User Manual
P/N 120745-IE, Manual revision: AA
Status Icons
The procedure diagram displays status icons when there is an event message
or custom setting that affects the procedure.
Figure 17, Example of status icons
The following is a list of possible status icons and their meanings:
Almost Full:
The device has detected approximately 7.5 liters of fluid in
the waste bag. The procedure will continue but the waste bag should be
emptied soon.
Auto-Fill Disabled:
The reservoir weigher is not active. When in
Standby, you will need to touch
to enter the Fill phase.
Auto-Wash Ask User:
When the device detects the bowl is full, it will
transition to the Fill Paused state, display a message indicating that the
bowl is full and ready to enter the Wash phase, and prompt you to select
the next action.
Auto-Wash Disabled:
The device will remain in the Fill phase until you
to transition from the Fill phase to the Wash phase.
Warning: You should monitor the effluent quality during the Wash phase
when the Effluent Sensor Disabled icon appears. The effluent line sensor is
not active and is therefore not monitoring effluent quality.
Effluent Sensor Disabled:
This icon appears if there has been a line
sensor failure and you have chosen to continue the procedure while
monitoring the quality of the effluent.