InteliLite4 AMF20 Global Guide
ComAp’s License Agreement is governed by the Czech Civil Code 89/2012 Col., by the Authorship Act
121/2000 Col., by international treaties and by other relevant legal documents regulating protection of the
intellectual properties (TRIPS).
The End User and/or ComAp’s Distributor shall only be permitted to use this End User's Guide/Manual with
ComAp Control System Registered Products. The Documentation is not intended and applicable for any
other purpose.
Official version of the ComAp’s End User's Guide/Manual is the version published in English. ComAp
reserves the right to update this End User's Guide/Manual at any time. ComAp does not assume any
responsibility for its use outside of the scope of the Terms or the Conditions and the License Agreement.
Licensed End User is entitled to make only necessary number of copies of the End User's Guide/Manual. Any
translation of this End User's Guide/Manual without the prior written consent of ComAp is expressly
Even if the prior written consent from ComAp is acquired, ComAp does not take any responsibility for the
content, trustworthiness and quality of any such translation. ComAp will deem a translation equal to this End
User's Guide/Manual only if it agrees to verify such translation. The terms and conditions of such verification
must be agreed in the written form and in advance.
For more details relating to the Ownership, Extent of Permitted Reproductions Term of Use of the
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Security Risk Disclaimer
Pay attention to the following recommendations and measures to increase the level of security of ComAp
products and services.
Please note that possible cyber-attacks cannot be fully avoided by the below mentioned recommendations
and set of measures already performed by ComAp, but by following them the cyber-attacks can be
considerably reduced and thereby to reduce the risk of damage. ComAp does not take any responsibility for
the actions of persons responsible for cyber-attacks, nor for any damage caused by the cyber-attack.
However, ComAp is prepared to provide technical support to resolve problems arising from such actions,
including but not limited to restoring settings prior to the cyber-attacks, backing up data, recommending other
preventive measures against any further attacks.
Some forms of technical support may be provided against payment. There is no legal or factual
entitlement for technical services provided in connection to resolving problems arising from cyber-attack or
other unauthorized accesses to ComAp's Products or Services.
1.3.1 General security recommendations and set of measures
1. Production mode
Disable production mode BEFORE the controller is put into regular operation.
2. User accounts
Change password for the existing default administrator account or replace that account with a
completely new one BEFORE the controller is put into regular operation mode.
Do not leave PC tools (e.g. InteliConfig) unattended while a user, especially administrator, is logged in.
3. AirGate Key
Change the AirGate Key BEFORE the device is connected to the network.
Use a secure AirGate Key – preferably a random string of 8 characters containing lowercase,