1. Install a new bearing (A) onto the secondary driven
shaft (B) making sure the bearing locating groove is
directed away from the driven gear splines.
2. Using a suitable press, install the driven gear (C)
on the shaft until the gear firmly seats on the
shoulder of the shaft.
3. If installing the existing shaft, start with the shims
removed during disassembly or if installing a new
shaft, start with approximately 1.0 mm shims at
point (D); then install the output drive shaft bear-
ing (E) making sure the locating pin is directed
toward the center of the shaft.
4. Install a new seal (F), output yoke (G), and nut (H)
and tighten to 59 ft-lb.
NOTE: Do not use a new lock nut at this time as
this procedure may have to be repeated.
5. Place the assembled shaft into the left crankshaft
case; then lightly coat the gear teeth with machin-
ist's lay-out dye. Rotate the shafts through several
rotations in both directions. Gear contact should
extend from the root to the top of the gear teeth.
6. To adjust tooth contact, use the following chart to
correctly shim the driven shaft.
7. After correct tooth contact is established, proceed
to Checking Backlash in this sub-section.
Tooth Contact
Shim Correction
Contact at Top
Increase Shim Thickness
Contact at Root
Decrease Shim Thickness
Table of Contents
Table of Contents