SPRUHE8E – October 2012 – Revised November 2019
Copyright © 2012–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
C28 Direct Memory Access (DMA) Module
11.1 Introduction
The strength of a controller is not measured purely in processor speed, but in total system capabilities. As
a part of the equation, any time the CPU bandwidth for a given function can be reduced, the greater the
system capabilities. Many times applications spend a significant amount of their bandwidth moving data,
whether it is from off-chip memory to on-chip memory, or from a peripheral such as an analog-to-digital
converter (ADC) to RAM, or even from one peripheral to another. Furthermore, many times this data
comes in a format that is not conducive to the optimum processing powers of the CPU. The DMA module
described in this reference guide has the ability to free up CPU bandwidth and rearrange the data into a
pattern for more streamlined processing.
The DMA module is an event-based machine, meaning it requires a peripheral interrupt trigger to start a
DMA transfer. Although it can be made into a periodic time-driven machine by configuring a timer as the
interrupt trigger source, there is no mechanism within the module itself to start memory transfers
periodically. The interrupt trigger source for each of the six DMA channels can be configured separately
and each channel contains its own independent PIE interrupt to let the CPU know when a DMA transfers
has either started or completed. Five of the six channels are exactly the same, while Channel 1 has one
additional feature: the ability to be configured at a higher priority than the others. At the heart of the DMA
is a state machine and tightly coupled address control logic. It is this address control logic that allows for
rearrangement of the block of data during the transfer as well as the process of ping-ponging data
between buffers. Each of these features, along with others, will be discussed in detail in this document.
DMA Overview:
6 channels with independent PIE interrupts
Peripheral interrupt trigger sources
ADC interrupts 1-4
Multichannel buffered serial port transmit and receive
CPU Timers 0-2
ePWM1-9 ADCSOCA and ADSOCB signals
Data sources/destinations:
L5-L8 32K x 16 SARAM
ADC memory bus mapped result registers
McBSP transmit and receive buffers
ePWM1-8 / HRPWM1-8
Word Size: 16-bit or 32-bit (McBSP limited to 16-bit)
Throughput: 4 cycles/word (5 cycles/word for McBSP reads)
11.2 Architecture
11.2.1 Block Diagram
shows a device-level block diagram of the DMA.