SPRUHE8E – October 2012 – Revised November 2019
Copyright © 2012–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
C28 Enhanced Capture (eCAP) Module
Features for eCAP include:
Speed measurements of rotating machinery (for example, toothed sprockets sensed via Hall sensors)
Elapsed time measurements between position sensor pulses
Period and duty cycle measurements of pulse train signals
Decoding current or voltage amplitude derived from duty cycle encoded current/voltage sensors
The eCAP module described in this guide includes the following features:
4-event time-stamp registers (each 32 bits)
Edge polarity selection for up to four sequenced time-stamp capture events
Interrupt on either of the four events
Single shot capture of up to four event time-stamps
Continuous mode capture of time-stamps in a four-deep circular buffer
Absolute time-stamp capture
Difference (Delta) mode time-stamp capture
All above resources dedicated to a single input pin
When not used in capture mode, the ECAP module can be configured as a single channel PWM output
The eCAP module represents one complete capture channel that can be instantiated multiple times
depending on the target device. In the context of this guide, one eCAP channel has the following
independent key resources:
Dedicated input capture pin
32-bit time base (counter)
4 x 32-bit time-stamp capture registers (CAP1-CAP4)
4-stage sequencer (Modulo4 counter) that is synchronized to external events, ECAP pin rising/falling
Independent edge polarity (rising/falling edge) selection for all 4 events
Input capture signal prescaling (from 2-62)
One-shot compare register (2 bits) to freeze captures after 1 to 4 time-stamp events
Control for continuous time-stamp captures using a 4-deep circular buffer (CAP1-CAP4) scheme
Interrupt capabilities on any of the 4 capture events