4 – Mixer configuration and settings
Custom layer assignment operation
Selecting the custom layer slot button
followed by the module button
1. Tap the custom layer slot button to select it for assignment
Selecting will make a yellow frame appear.
2. Tap the button for the module to be assigned to the
selected slot.
This will assign the tapped module to the custom layer slot
selected in step 1.
3. Tap the APPLY button to confirm setting changes.
Tap the CANCEL button to cancel setting changes.
Selecting the module button followed by the
custom layer slot button
1. Tap the button for the module to be assigned.
Selecting will make a yellow frame appear.
2. Tap the button for the custom layer slot to assign the
selected module to it.
This will assign the module selected in step 1 to the tapped
custom layer slot.
3. Tap the APPLY button to confirm setting changes.
Tap the CANCEL button to cancel setting changes.
In either procedure, multiple buttons can be selected in step
1 and assigned consecutively at one time.
TASCAM Sonicview 16/Sonicview 24