Using I2S Mode
When using the USART in I2S mode, DATABITS in USARTn_FRAME must be set to 8 or 16 data-bits. 8 databits can be used in all
modes, and 16 can be used in the modes where the number of bytes in the I2S word is even. In addition to this, MSBF in
USARTn_CTRL should be set, and CLKPOL and CLKPHA in USARTn_CTRL should be cleared.
The USART does not have separate TX and RX buffers for left and right data, so when using I2S in stereo mode, the application must
keep track of whether the buffers contain left or right data. This can be done by observing TXBLRIGHT, RXDATAVRIGHT and RXFULL-
RIGHT in USARTn_STATUS. TXBLRIGHT tells whether TX is expecting data for the left or right channel. It will be set with TXBL if right
data is expected. The receiver will set RXDATAVRIGHT if there is at least one right element in the buffer, and RXFULLRIGHT if the
buffer is full of right elements.
When using I2S with DMA, separate DMA requests can be used for left and right data by setting DMASPLIT in USARTn_I2SCTRL.
In both master and slave mode the USART always starts transmitting on the LEFT channel after being enabled. In master mode, the
transmission will stop if TX becomes empty. In that case, TXC is set. Continuing the transmission in this case will make the data-stream
continue where it left off. To make the USART start on the LEFT channel after going empty, disable and re-enable TX.
18.3.4 Hardware Flow Control
Hardware flow control can be used to hold off the link partner's transmission until RX buffer space is available. Use RTSPEN and
CTSPEN in USARTn_ROUTEPEN to allocate the hardware flow control to GPIOs. RTS is an out going signal which indicates that RX
buffer space is available to receive a frame. The link partner is being requested to send its data when RTS is asserted. CTS is an in-
coming signal to stop the next TX data from going out. When CTS is negated, the frame currently being transmitted is completed before
stopping. CTS indicates that the link partner has RX buffer space available, and the local transmitter is clear to send. Also use CTSEN
in USARTn_CTLX to enable the CTS input into the TX sequencer. For debug use set DBGHALT in USARTn_CTRLX which will force
the RTS to request one frame from the link partner when the CPU core single steps.
18.3.5 Debug Halt
When DBGHALT in USART_CTRLX is clear, RTS is only dependent on the RX buffer having space available to receive data. Incoming
data is always received until both the RX buffer is full and the RX shift register is full regardless of the state of DBGHALT or chip halt.
Additional incoming data is discarded. When DBGHALT is set, RTS deasserts on RX buffer full or when chip halt is high. However, a
low pulse detected on chip halt will keep RTS asserted when no frame is being received. At the start of frame reception, RTS will deas-
sert if chip halt is high and DBGHALT is set. This behavior allows single stepping to pulse the chip halt low for a cycle, and receive the
next frame. The link partner must stop transmitting when RTS is deasserted, or the RX buffer could overflow. All data in the transmit
buffer is sent out even when chip halt is asserted; therefore, the DMA will need to be set to stop sending the USART TX data during
chip halt.
18.3.6 PRS-triggered Transmissions
If a transmission must be started on an event with very little delay, the PRS system can be used to trigger the transmission. The PRS
channel to use as a trigger can be selected using TSEL in USARTn_TRIGCTRL. When a positive edge is detected on this signal, the
receiver is enabled if RXTEN in USARTn_TRIGCTRL is set, and the transmitter is enabled if TXTEN in USARTn_TRIGCTRL is set.
Only one signal input is supported by the USART.
The AUTOTX feature can also be enabled via PRS. If an external SPI device sets a pin high when there is data to be read from the
device, this signal can be routed to the USART through the PRS system and be used to make the USART clock data out of the external
device. If AUTOTXTEN in USARTn_TRIGCTRL is set, the USART will transmit data whenever the PRS signal selected by TSEL is high
given that there is enough room in the RX buffer for the chosen frame size. Note that if there is no data in the TX buffer when using
AUTOTX, the TX underflow interrupt will be set.
AUTOTXTEN can also be combined with TXTEN to make the USART transmit a command to the external device prior to clocking out
data. To do this, disable TX using the TXDIS command, load the TX buffer with the command and enable AUTOTXTEN and TXTEN.
When the selected PRS input goes high, the USART will now transmit the loaded command, and then continue clocking out while both
the PRS input is high and there is room in the RX buffer
18.3.7 PRS RX Input
The USART can be configured to receive data directly from a PRS channel by setting RXPRS in USARTn_INPUT. The PRS channel
used is selected using RXPRSSEL in USARTn_INPUT. This way, for example, a differential RX signal can be input to the ACMP and
the output routed via PRS to the USART.
Reference Manual
USART - Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
| Building a more connected world.
Rev. 1.1 | 552