prefix is used for hexadecimal numbers
prefix is used for binary numbers
Numbers without prefix are in decimal representation.
Registers and bit fields marked with
are reserved for future use. These should be written to 0 unless otherwise stated in the
Register Description. Reserved bits might be read as 1 in future devices.
Reset Value
The reset value denotes the value after reset.
Registers denoted with X have unknown value out of reset and need to be initialized before use. Note that read-modify-write operations
on these registers before they are initialized results in undefined register values.
Pin Connections
Pin connections are given with a module prefix followed by a short pin name:
CMU_CLKOUT1 (Clock management unit, clock output pin number 1)
The location for the pin names given in the module documentation can be found in the device-specific data sheet.
1.3 Related Documentation
Further documentation on the EFR32 devices and the ARM Cortex-M4 can be found at the Silicon Labs and ARM web pages:
Reference Manual
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Rev. 1.1 | 27