The XTAL oscillation amplitude can be controlled via the HIGHAMPL bitfield in CMU_LFXOCTRL. Setting HIGHAMPL to 1 will result in
higher amplitude, which in turn provides safer operation, somewhat improved duty cycle, and lower sensitivity to noise at the cost of
increased current consumption.
The AGC bit of the CMU_LFXOCTRL register is used to turn on or off the Automatic Gain Control module that adjusts the amplitude of
the XTAL. When disabled, the LFXO will run at the startup current and the XTAL will oscillate rail to rail, again providing safer operation,
improved duty cycle, and lower sensitivity to noise at the cost of increased current consumption. HFRCO and AUXHFRCO Configuration
It is possible to calibrate the HFRCO and AUXHFRCO to achieve higher accuracy (see the device data sheets for details on accuracy).
The frequency is adjusted by changing the TUNING and FINETUNING bitfields in CMU_HFRCOCTRL and CMU_AUXHFRCOCTRL.
Changing to a higher value will result in a lower frequency. Refer to the data sheet for stepsize details.
The HFRCO can be set to one of several different frequency bands from 1 MHz to 38 MHz by setting the FREQRANGE field in
CMU_HFRCOCTRL. Similarly the AUXHFRCO can be set to one of several different frequency bands from 1 MHz to 38 MHz by setting
the FREQRANGE field in CMU_AUXHFRCOCTRL. The HFRCO and AUXHFRCO frequency bands are calibrated during production
test, and the production tested calibration values can be read from the Device Information (DI) page. The DI page contains separate
tuning values for various frequency bands. During reset, HFRCO and AUXHFRCO tuning values are set to the production calibrated
values for the 19 MHz band, which is the default frequency band. When changing to a different HFRCO or AUXHFRCO band, make
sure to also update the TUNING value and other bitfields in the CMU_HFRCOCTRL and CMU_AUXHFRCOCTRL registers. Typically
the entire register is written with a value obtained from the Device Information (DI) page. Refer to
on which frequency band settings are stored in the DI page.
The frequency can be tuned more accurately via the FINETUNING bitfield if fine tuning has been enabled via the FINETUNINGEN bit.
Note that there will be a slight increase in the oscillator current consumption when fine tuning is enabled. Note also that changing the
value of FINETUNINGEN will result in a frequency shift, regardless of the FINETUNING field value. If the oscillator is to be used at
different times with fine tuning enabled and disabled, it should be tuned separately for both settings. The HFRCO and AUXHFRCO
contain a local prescaler, which can be used in combination with any FREQRANGE setting. These prescalers allow the output clocks to
be divided by 1, 2, or 4 as configured in the CLKDIV bitfield. RC Oscillator Calibration
to tune HFRCO and AUXHFRCO to the desired frequency, linear search must be used to
avoid over clocking the calibration counters. Before changing the FREQRANGE field in CMU_HFRCOCTRL, TUNING and FINETUN-
ING fields should initially be set to the highest value (slowest frequency). After changing the FREQRANGE, linearly step TUNING value
until desired frequency is reached. Likewise, before changing the TUNING field, FINETUNING field should initially be set to the highest
value (lowest frequency). After changing the TUNING field, linearly step FINETUNING until accuracy is reached. LFRCO Configuration
It is possible to calibrate the LFRCO to achieve higher accuracy (see the device data sheets for details on accuracy). The frequency is
adjusted by changing the TUNING bitfield in CMU_LFRCOCTRL. Changing to a higher value will result in a lower frequency. Refer to
the data sheet for stepsize details.
The LFRCO can be retained on in EM4 Hibernate/Shutoff. In that case its required configuration is latched/retained throughout EM4
even though the CMU_LFRCOCTRL register itself will be reset. Upon EM4 exit the CMU_LFRCOCTRL register therefore needs to be
reconfigured to its original settings and the LFRCO needs to be restarted via CMU_OSCENCMD, before optionally unlatching the re-
tained LFRCO configuration by writing 1 to EM4UNLATCH in the EMU_CMD register. The LFRCO startup time is configured via the
TIMEOUT bitfield of the CMU_LFRCOCTRL register. Default its 16 cycle startup should be used. However, in case the LFRCO has
been retained throughout EM4 Hibernate/Shutoff, it can be quickly restarted for use as LFACLK or LFBCLK by using its minimum TIME-
OUT setting. While retained, the LFRCO can be used down to EM4 Hibernate as source for LFECLK and down to EM4 Shutoff as
source for RFSENSECLK and CRYOCLK.
The LFRCO is also calibrated in production and its TUNING values are set to the correct value during reset.
The LFRCO can be put in duty cycle mode by setting the ENVREF bit in CMU_LFRCOCTRL to 1 before starting the LFRCO. This will
reduce current consumption, but will result in slightly worse accuracy especially at high temperatures. Setting the ENCHOP and/or EN-
DEM bitfields to 1 in the CMU_LFRCOCTRL register will improve the average LFRCO frequency accuracy at the cost of a worse cycle-
to-cycle accuracy.
Reference Manual
CMU - Clock Management Unit
| Building a more connected world.
Rev. 1.1 | 299