Configuring the RF signal
User Manual 1179.1341.02 ─ 05
"LF Generator A1/2, B1/2"
Selects one of internally generated LF signals.
"AM A/B"
Selects the AM signal.
M A/B"
Selects the signal also used by the frequency or phase modulations.
"Noise Generator A/B"
Selects the internally generated noise signal.
"External 1/2"
Selects an externally supplied LF signal
Remote command:
Output Voltage
Sets the peak to peak voltage of the selected LF output source.
This value, e.g. +1
V to -1
V refers to 50
Ohm at the RF output with high termination
impedance at the LF output.
Remote command:
Adds a DC offset to the LF output signal.
Remote command:
Show Connector
Accesses a dialog that displays the physical location of the selected connector on the
front/rear panel of the instrument.
A blinking LED on the front/rear panel indicates the selected connector, too (see
ter, "Status indicators"
Noise level settings
1. Select "RF > Output > LF Output".
2. Set "Source > Noise Generator".
3. Select "Output > Noise Level".
Analog modulations