General instrument functions
User Manual 1179.1341.02 ─ 05
The R&S
SMM100A executes the action and opens the dialog.
Managing licenses and license keys
The R&S
SMM100A provides options for all required applications, as, e.g., for digital
standards, you can purchase and activate.
Various license types enable you to manage licenses for options as follows:
Activate an option locally on an instrument.
Share an option with other instruments.
Activate an option for a certain period of time as needed.
An option is ready to operate after it is enabled with a license keycode supplied with
the option. The license key is delivered as a file or on paper. Unregistered licenses
must be registered for a particular instrument before the corresponding option can be
enabled for operation.
For reliable operation, a software option usually requires the latest firmware version.
The required version is specified in the delivery. If your instrument works with a former
firmware version, update the firmware before enabling the software option.
The firmware update is described in the release notes provided on the product page of
the R&S
Managing licenses and license keys