© REA Elektronik GmbH, Teichwiesenstraße 1 D-64367 Muehltal
REA VeriCube Operating Manual Version 2.16 – 11/2020
Page 80 of 119
Matrix middle points
The middle points of the matrix cells are highlighted with green dots
With this button, all matrix cells (when active) are marked yellow, which, in relation
to the modulation and the contrast measurement values, are close to the limit
between two grades. The more such modules appear, the higher is the risk for a
given measurement result to oscillate between two grades.
Error indication
All matrix cells which can be handled by the error correction are highlighted with red
dots. This always occurs when a given matrix cell is recognized as dark instead of
bright or vice versa. Depending on the symbology and code size, the error correction
can recognize these errors and facilitate the correct decoding to a certain limit. When
the capacity is exhausted, it is attempted to obtain a result with a non-standard
decoding (error: Reference decode failed). If this does not aid the decoding, then no
further decoding is possible.
Configuring the evaluation and symbologies
In this section, the essential REA VeriCube configurations are described. This
configuration is performed with the help of the Windows software TransWin32. The
detailed description of TransWin32 is in a separate operating manual.