© REA Elektronik GmbH, Teichwiesenstraße 1 D-64367 Muehltal
REA VeriCube Operating Manual Version 2.16 – 11/2020
Page 61 of 119
As an example, the contrast uniformity according to ISO/IEC 15426-2 is calibrated
with a certain symbol with a dark module, completely surrounded by light modules
("dark widow"). This is found in symbols #6 and #9 and thus the contrast uniformity
is only calibrated for #6 and #9. The Symbol Grade is not calibrated and may differ,
because some symbol parameters are close to the threshold between two gradings.
Permissible device tolerances from chapter 9.2.1 also apply with these cards.
For most users the calibration with our calibration card is completely sufficient.
The more reference codes are used for calibration, the safer it can be said that the
measuring instrument actually measures accurately. However, it should also be
considered that this requires more time for calibration.
For this reason, we have listed various "safety levels" in the following as a guide to
make it easier for the user to decide for himself how to calibrate.
Additionally, it must be considered whether the built-in camera module is even
suitable for measuring a code as small as the symbols #5, #10, #11 and #12 with
X=0,200. A resolution of approx. 10 pixels per module is recommended.
Level 1:
Calibration with REA calibration card with DataMatrix reference test
code: part-no. 90031702
Level 2:
Calibration with REA calibration card with DataMatrix reference test
code: part-no. 90031702
+ calibrated conformance test card for Data Matrix and GS1-DataMatrix
part-no. 90031704, Code #1, #4 und #6 only.
Level 3:
Calibration with REA calibration card with DataMatrix reference test
code: part-no. 90031702
+ calibrated conformance test card for Data Matrix and GS1-DataMatrix
part-no. 90031704, Code #1 to #4 and #6 to #8.
Level 4:
Calibration with REA calibration card with DataMatrix reference test
code: part-no. 90031702
+ calibrated conformance test card for Data Matrix and GS1-DataMatrix
part-no. 90031704