© REA Elektronik GmbH, Teichwiesenstraße 1 D-64367 Muehltal
REA VeriCube Operating Manual Version 2.16 – 11/2020
Page 91 of 119
Setting up the user management
After an update of a device without user management or after the first installation,
neither the user management nor the password protection is active.
The user management must first be activated before becoming effective. It can be
temporarily deactivated at any time or completely turned off by deleting all users
(see below).
The deactivation of the user management changes the following:
A list of users with their passwords and their rights status is managed. The
management of the list of users, the logging in and logging out of the users takes
place centrally on the device. The respective user must authenticate himself with a
password prior to using the device.
There are two user types: normal users and administrators. The administrator has
access and permission to do everything; the normal user can only do tasks which are
possible without entering a password when the password protection is active (e.g.
performing a measurement, selecting a profile, ...).
The name of the logged-in user is stored in a log file. The following actions are stored
in the log file:
Creating a new user, deleting a user
The user management can be applied through two alternative approaches:
User management through TransWin32 (only if the SW option is available)
User management through the service program (relevant for users of REA
Check ER and REA ScanCheck 3 without a TransWin32 license)
The actual user management dialog and also the subsequent work procedure are the
same in both cases. The ways to access the user management dialog are different. In
the TransWin32 software, the user management is accessed through the "Configure -
> Others -> User and password setting ..." menu item. The service program is
started either as a separate program or from TranWin32 under the "Tools" menu. In
the service program, the "tab" "Profile and User Management" is selected. The
desired device is selected with the search function of the device. With the "User
Management..." button, the user dialog is accessed.