© REA Elektronik GmbH, Teichwiesenstraße 1 D-64367 Muehltal
REA VeriCube Operating Manual Version 2.16 – 11/2020
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License Agreement
Through this license agreement, REA hereby permits the use of the legally purchased
software, not limited by time or for exclusive use.
In particular, the following applies:
After the legal purchasing of the software, you are entitled to install the
software, to access and/or execute it, or to interact with it by other means.
REA reserves the rights:
You are not entitled to change, decompile, extract, decode or disassemble the
software for the sake of reverse engineering or any other purposes.
You are not entitled or authorized to use the software or any parts thereof for
reselling, licensing, rental, leasing, or to make the software available to a third
party in any form, without the prior written permission from REA.
All trademarks and registered logos or brand names mentioned, are the property of
the owners.
This license does not entitle you to reserve any rights in conjunction with the
mentioned registered trademarks, logs and brand names.
In the event that any rights of REA are not adhered to or the conditions of this
license agreement are not kept, the granted license will automatically be
withdrawn. In this case, you are to destroy any backup/safety copy of the
software and all the components thereof.
For this license agreement, only the German law and legal system applies. The
choice of another national law/legal system for the purposes of this license
agreement is not possible.
A multiple installation on multiple computers is allowed
Limited support and fault / error rectifications
REA offers customer support services concerning the software by means of providing
documentation, online help or in an electronic format. An additional support via the
REA Hotline is also provided. An obligation from the side of REA, to rectify all
problems does not exist.