© REA Elektronik GmbH, Teichwiesenstraße 1 D-64367 Muehltal
REA VeriCube Operating Manual Version 2.16 – 11/2020
Page 33 of 119
When the installation was successful, this is shown as follows.
Depending on the selected installation, the following icons can then be found on the
desktop. In the actual release only the TransWin32 and maybe the REA ADB icon is
there. The other two icons are not required because these programs are started and
stopped automatically together with the TransWin32 program.
With the icon TransWin32, the REA Verifier software is launched. "VeriCube Barcode
Verifier" and "MLV-2D Barcode Verifier" are programs which are launched as device
service (no window, only an icon in the task bar). Both are launched automatically at
the start of TransWin32 and are also closed when TransWin32 is closed.
REA ADB is the article database; it is used for management, recording and data
import, which can be used with the REA Verifiers. The program is launched by the
operator when needed. The article database (REA ADB icon) is optional and can only
work with the REA Verifier when the program license is bought and also activated
with the device.