© REA Elektronik GmbH, Teichwiesenstraße 1 D-64367 Muehltal
REA VeriCube Operating Manual Version 2.16 – 11/2020
Page 78 of 119
Details in the test reports
In the graphical view of a given test report, the following icons are available:
With this icon, everything in the image which is evaluated as dark is highlighted in
yellow. This makes it possible to recognize the places where shadings or too bold /
thin prints shift the thresholds to such an extent that the individual code elements
become invisible
Edge grid
With the help of the edge grid, the reconstructed grid matrix is displayed. In this
way, it can be recognized where the matrix cells lie and whether the symbol has
been recognized correctly. The symbols with irregular brightness or with distortions
(for example, through rounding) are subject to the risk that the matrix is
inadequately recognized. With the help of this highlighting, it can be checked very
quickly as to whether the recognized matrix corresponds to the actual code picture.
If there are large deviations, this is an indication of invalid erroneous measurement,
which must be repeated.
Center grid
In this grid representation, the lines cross in the middle of the matrix cells. Apart
from that, the function and the meaning are the same as in the edge grid.
The light margin (quiet zone)