© REA Elektronik GmbH, Teichwiesenstraße 1 D-64367 Muehltal
REA VeriCube Operating Manual Version 2.16 – 11/2020
Page 21 of 119
System requirements
For the device power supply a mains connection in the range of 100 - 240 V AC,
between 50 and 60 Hertz is necessary.
The Windows software TransWin32 needs a standard off-the-shelf computer with a
Microsoft Windows operating system,
Windows 10 Pro/Home, 64-bit.
Microsoft .net framework from version 4.5 or newer
One or optionally two Ethernet network interfaces
(2 Ethernet network interfaces are recommended
(at least 1Gbit/s, Auto detect between normal and Crossover)
Main memory: The minimum requirements of the used operating system must
be respected. It is usually 4GB or more
Hard disk: The minimum requirements of the operating system must be
CPU: The minimum requirements of the operating system must be respected
(a slow CPU increases the cycle time).
Mouse (with mouse wheel) / keyboard (supplementary touchscreen, if
Screen / graphics: Non-glare, minimum 48cm (19“),
at least 1280 x 1024 pixels in resolution, color
Optionally: PDF program for the creation of test reports as PDF files (as printer
PDF display program
Firewall. The firewall must permit the network operation of the REA VeriCube
The REA software TransWin32 is a single user software. The license is connected to
the REA Verifier and not to the PC installation. The software does not need a dongle
and can, if needed, be installed multiple times.
Operation on a server is not a tested and verified installation by the manufacturer. As
long as the server offers the REA program TransWin32 an environment, which reacts
as a single workplace for the program, the server installation should work properly
(virtual environment, sandbox, etc.).
An installation under Windows XP does not function and is not supported.
The minimum computer requirements are sufficient to run the system,
however higher specifictions like the recommended configuration of the
appropriate operating system in use, should be preferred.
Temperature change
When the REA VeriCube is subjected to temperature changes (e.g. when it is utilized
in heated rooms after transport in winter), condensation can occur on the optical
parts. In such an instant, wait for about 15 min before the REA VeriCube can be