© REA Elektronik GmbH, Teichwiesenstraße 1 D-64367 Muehltal
REA VeriCube Operating Manual Version 2.16 – 11/2020
Page 94 of 119
Attention: The first user that is entered must have administrator rights. As a
result, the Admin default becomes invisible, i.e. it does not appear anymore
in the list of the users.
Afterwards, the user accounts for the operators can be created.
The Admin default user disappears after the creation of further user accounts.
Using "Delete Users", a users can be removed with the exception of the logged-in
After the end of the creation of users, the administrator must log out. This is done in
the main display with the Log Out button.
If the password is no longer accessible (forgotten, misplaced), a three-time login
with an incorrect password takes place. After this, the login can be attempted once
more with the Admin default user.
User management during operation
If the device is started with active user management, the user ID is always
requested first (selection from the list of user names), together with the password
belonging to it. Depending on the selection, the use as administrator or as normal
user is possible.
After logging in, the REA device is ready for measurement, or if an administrator has
logged in, it is ready for measurement and configuration.