© REA Elektronik GmbH, Teichwiesenstraße 1 D-64367 Muehltal
REA VeriCube Operating Manual Version 2.16 – 11/2020
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turned on and leaved them turned on for about 5 minutes, before starting the
adjustment procedure.
The REA VeriCube is delivered with a transparent plastic top plate, which covers the
inside space of the camera, as well as with a glass top plate.
The plastic top plate simply serves as dust protection during storage and
transportation. The glass top plate is meant for measurements.
Adjustments and measurements can be done with or without a top plate.
Be aware that the measurement is only valid, if you measure in the same
combination of verifier device and top plate, as you have adjusted the device.
Adjustment is performed in three consecutive steps:
Level correction (level correction calibration card Art. No. 90031703)
Reflectance adjustment (calibration card Art. No. 90031702)
Scale adjustment (calibration card Art. No. 90031702)
The adjustment status is shown after selecting the meue
>adjustment and calibration
If an individual step is not executed correctly, there is a possibility to repeat this
individual step separately. If an adjustment step was not successful, its old data are
retained for this step. In this way, the device always remains functional.
With the icon “Next”, it will be checked if there are valid target values for calibration