© REA Elektronik GmbH, Teichwiesenstraße 1 D-64367 Muehltal
REA VeriCube Operating Manual Version 2.16 – 11/2020
Page 45 of 119
Point 1
point 4
must be taken from the calibration card:
Point 2
: here you enter the day when the card was unpacked and used for the first
Point 3
: the best before date is automatically calculated by the system according to
the production date and the day of first use.
Point 5
: the 7 parameter values used for calibration must be transferred from the
reference test report. Please refer to chapter 9.2.2 9.2.2Calibration for white light
: It is also possible to enter the parameters for several reference symbol
sizes if a reference test report is available for them. For each reference symbol,
however, all entries must be complete so that no error message will come up. The
calibration of several symbols may be necessary if additionally e.g. an 8mm camera
module or 50mm camera module is to be used and calibrated.
The reference values entered for adjustment and calibration remain saved
afterwards. However, it is essential to ensure that when using another calibration
card (e.g. after a card has expired) the new values of the new calibration card are
entered and afterwards an adjustment and calibration must be performed.
After the input of the reference values is completed, an overview of the entered data
appears after pressing the OK button.