© REA Elektronik GmbH, Teichwiesenstraße 1 D-64367 Muehltal
REA VeriCube Operating Manual Version 2.16 – 11/2020
Page 42 of 119
If the card is damaged or contaminated, it must be replaced.
The date of the first use must be noted. This date determines the start of the
lifespan of 2 years.
Before, the cards should not be stored unused for more than 2 years.
No calibration and adjustment can be performed with a photocopy of the
original calibration card because as a result of the copying, the metrical and
reflective properties change significantly. For the same reason, the calibration
card shall not be laminated.
The calibration cards may be cleaned.
The recommended cleaning agent is 3M Novec 71IPA
Adjustment and calibration must be performed in the same manner employed
for measurement. If a mounted glass top plate is used for measurement,
calibration and adjustment must also be performed with a mounted glass
cover. When work is conducted without a glass top plate, calibration and
adjustment shall also be executed without a glass top plate.
The adjustment and calibration data are stored for each camera module depending
on the respective s/n. For each camera module, adjustment and calibration must
therefore be performed first. In the following they must be calibrated regularly. After
changing to another optics module or after the respective calibration interval has
expired, a new calibration is required.
The calibration cards show a black reverse side. This is necessary in order to be able
to perform calibration and adjustment without influence from the reflectance on the
work table (the normal materials let the light penetrate). During the operation of an
adjustment step, the device should not be moved.
Adjustment of REA VeriCube
The device adjustment is initiated through the REA TransWin32 software.
For this purpose, the menu item >configure, >Adjustment and calibration
must be selected in TransWin32.
Make sure that the adjustment does not take place directly after switching on the
LEDs. You should start TransWin32, connect the device, make sure that the LEDs are