© REA Elektronik GmbH, Teichwiesenstraße 1 D-64367 Muehltal
REA VeriCube Operating Manual Version 2.16 – 11/2020
Page 87 of 119
Profile selection is carried out using the icon in the icon bar.
Along with the profile selection, password protection
can also be used. With password protection, no settings can
changed. The task-related selection of the settings profile and
entry of the order number are excluded.
File Saving Options
The test reports can be easily identified with the help of the entry of the order
number. The order number is entered under Configure / Order number or by using
the appropriate icon in the icon bar.
This icon opens the window for inquiring the order number to appear automatically
before or after any measurement, allowing the user to confirm or change the order
number. The intention is to prevent users to forget the entry of new order numbers.
The last order number that was in use will be shown in the text. This allows the user
just to confirm with the OK button the last order number.
Under Configure / Options / File Saving, it can be specified how the filename of the
reports is to be given.
For example, an order number or user name can be automatically added as a prefix
in the file name of the test report. This function is valid for both manual and
automatic saving.
Additionally, a part of the decoded code content can be included into the report
filename. For this mode the configuration “Configure / Options / Saving” needs to
enable this function and to specify the part of the code content. The part of the code
content defines the first digit and the data length. Counting of the first digit can be
configured from the end or the beginning of the code (left to right or opposite).