© REA Elektronik GmbH, Teichwiesenstraße 1 D-64367 Muehltal
REA VeriCube Operating Manual Version 2.16 – 11/2020
Page 22 of 119
The REA VeriCube is delivered with two identical network cables.
Picture of PoE power supply and network cables
The REA VeriCube is connected with one of the two Ethernet cables to the PoE power
supply unit. The socket, which is marked on the power supply unit with "Data&Power
Out”, is intended for the connection to the device. When the other "Data In" socket is
used, the device does not receive power and will not power up.
The "Data/In" socket on the PoE power supply unit is connected with the second
network cable and with the computer (directly or indirectly).
The picture shows an example of the connection of the Data-In socket to the network
installation (here shown by the Ethernet switch).