© REA Elektronik GmbH, Teichwiesenstraße 1 D-64367 Muehltal
REA VeriCube Operating Manual Version 2.16 – 11/2020
Page 48 of 119
After the white card is placed on the REA VeriCube, the level correction is started by
selecting the OK icon.
Picture of a level correction card (original size 22 x 25 cm)
Picture: The level correction card on the device
The level correction corrects the uneven lighting of the measurement field
(tolerances of the LEDs, construction, optics, etc.).
Level correction adjustment can fail, can give a warning or is successful.
If the highlight correction fails due to the fact that the adjustment data cannot be
saved, it must be checked whether the Windows user also has access rights to the
folder in which the adjustment data is saved.
By default, these data are stored under
Installation of the software for all users:
C:\Programdata\REA Elektronik GmbH\Verifier\ MorpheusVeriCube
Installation of the software for individual user:
%APPDATA%\REA Elektronik GmbH\Verifier\MorpheusVeriCube
In this folder, including subfolders, all users who perform an adjustment must have
full access.
The adjustment data are saved by:
C:\Program Files (x86)\REA Elektronik GmbH\REA