© REA Elektronik GmbH, Teichwiesenstraße 1 D-64367 Muehltal
REA VeriCube Operating Manual Version 2.16 – 11/2020
Page 60 of 119
Calibration card 90031704
Calibration card 90031705
Calibration with extended calibration cards
For this purpose, the extended calibration uses test cards, which are sold by REA and
its authorized resellers, but are otherwise manufactured fully independently of REA
and are measured with other reference devices (traceable back to national
Optional accessories for extended calibration are the calibrated GS1-DataMatrix test
card (Art. No. 90031704) and / or the calibrated test card for the EAN/UPC Code
Verifier (Art. No. 90031705.
The interval for calibration with these extended cards must be specified by the user.
Each symbol on the extended calibration card is optimized in print for the parameters
listed on the front panel.
For the extended calibration, only those parameters are compared that are specified
directly on the calibration card.
This means that the reference test reports supplied with the cards, which were
measured with a high-resolution camera system, are not required for calibration.