© REA Elektronik GmbH, Teichwiesenstraße 1 D-64367 Muehltal
REA VeriCube Operating Manual Version 2.16 – 11/2020
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System requirements), the TransWin32 program can be installed. For this purpose,
the "Setup.exe" is launched. Depending on the version, the TransWin32 installation is
offered directly or the TransWin32 button comes first and then "Install TransWin32".
Administrator rights are required for the installation to be completed successfully. For
normal operation, the normal user rights are sufficient. When the software for all
users is installed, the "All users" documents folder is used. This general application
folder must be available to all users without administrator rights.
It is strongly recommended that all users have full access to the set directory for
document storage. Restriction to read and write access may result in restrictions to
some functions.
The most secure and trouble free installation allows the user account for the
installation to be an administrator account. In this instance the installation is
performed only for this user and therefore only the Documents folder of the logged-
in user is used. When the installation is carried out with "Execute as administrator",
the installation is performed with the administrator account and not with the user
account. In this case, it should be installed for all users and it should be ensured that
all users have read and write permission to the "All users" document folder.
In case of communication trouble (disconnects, error messages like Sensor errors)
two basic solutions are available:
Within the TransWin32 menu “Tool” the installation of the Vericube Network
driver is performed
A second Ethernet port is added to the PC and the REA VeriCube is exclusively
connected to this port.