© REA Elektronik GmbH, Teichwiesenstraße 1 D-64367 Muehltal
REA VeriCube Operating Manual Version 2.16 – 11/2020
Page 66 of 119
Turning the keyboard
The keyboard of the device can be taken out and then replaced in an appropriate
position with respect to the measurement position or the position of the device.
Attention: The keyboard is connected to the main electronic using zero force
connectors and a flat cable. Be careful when you pull out the keyboard.
It is not allowed to pull at the cable! Loss of warranty, if you disconnect the flat cable
from the connector!
Testing 3D parts
It is possible to measure 3D parts (eg. automotive, electronics, machine building,
and aerospace industry, etc.) if they shaped in irregular geometries. In some cases,
these parts can be measured with one of the three or four standard positions. In
other cases, this cannot be done.
For such cases, a measurement fixture must be manufactured, which ensures that
the code to be measured can be positioned correctly according to the handling
instructions (angle, distance, shadows from components). Those parts are usually
direct marked parts, marked by laser or other methods, for such DPM parts, the
additional software license for DPM verification is needed (please see chapter
In simple cases the fitting of the glass top plate is used for a fixture. A part fitting
instead of the glass top plate is manufactured and this holds a part exactly in the
correct position. The advantage is the ease with which you can replace and modify
such a fixture.