© REA Elektronik GmbH, Teichwiesenstraße 1 D-64367 Muehltal
REA VeriCube Operating Manual Version 2.16 – 11/2020
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Adjustment and Calibration of the REA VeriCube
The terms “adjustment” and calibration are used in the sense of DIN 1319-1 and
JCGM 200:2012.
Calibration: The device measuring accuracy is checked against a known reference.
For this process the device adjustment shall not be changed.
Adjustment: The device settings (Exposure, white level, compensation of lens
distortions) are changed until a specific result is achieved. The following calibration
checks if the required measuring accuracy is achieved.
The REA VeriCube must be calibrated in regular intervals of between 4 and 12 weeks.
In the setting >configure >configure calibration and adjustment
the validity period of the calibration can be entered from 1 to 90 days.
(Up to and including TransWin32 version of CD9.16a (16607r) the validity of the
adjustment was entered here. It had to be adjusted via the software within this
entered period. Calibration with the REA calibration card was carried out in a further
manual step, just like the calibration of additional test cards.)
The REA VeriCube must necessarily be adjusted after installation of TransWin32 and
first connection to the device. Afterwards it must only be adjusted if the calibration
cannot be completed successfully, if a software update has been made or if you are
working with another computer.
In this case the menu item
>Adjustment and calibration
must be selected and the complete adjustment procedure as described in the next
chapter must be performed. At the end, a calibration report is generated, which can
also be saved as a pdf, printed and signed.
If the calibration still fails after this, REA has to be contacted under
, possibly there is a hardware error which has to be
A new calibration is always necessary if the ambient and lighting conditions change
significantly in the meantime or if the last calibration has expired.
It can be activated, that the operator won’t be able to go on with evaluation if the
calibration is not valid anymore.
This setting can be found in