© REA Elektronik GmbH, Teichwiesenstraße 1 D-64367 Muehltal
REA VeriCube Operating Manual Version 2.16 – 11/2020
Page 98 of 119
Different logical networks
If the REA testing device and the PC with the TransWin32 are in different networks,
the connection does not function anymore. The device search is successful and then
an error message follows. In this case, please follow the instructions in “temporary
change of the IP address”.
Sometimes the communication is realized by using a network gateway in such cases.
However this does not work with the VeriCube because the GigE Vision network
protocol doesn’t support communications via gateways.
The REA VeriCube has a network connection with max. speed of 1 Gbit/s. If the REA
device is connected directly to a PC with a 100Mbit/s network interface, the speed is
automatically restricted to 100Mbit/s. If the REA device and the PC are connected
through an Ethernet switch with a speed of 1Gbit/s and the PC can, as before,
process max. 100Mbit/s., no automatic speed adaptation takes place because the
Ethernet switch connects to the PC with 100Mbit/s and the REA VeriCube with 1Gb/s.
In this case, the REA VeriCube sends the data 10 times faster than the PC network
interface can process.
Connection interruptions
Connection interruptions can happen when the REA Verifier is integrated together
with the PC in a company network. A high network load can lead to communication
errors which are displayed as network errors or sensor errors. In this case, a second
network card, which is used for the REA VeriCube only, should be installed in the PC.
In some cases, problems might arise if the network adaptor is built with components
of the manufacturer Realtek. In this case, a second network card, which works with
the chip set of another manufacturer, can help.
Version and later offers under Tools / Install or Uninstall VeriCube
Network driver an installation of a network filter driver. This driver improves
communication reliability.
If both, the computer and the REA VeriCube are connected to an Ethernet switch
with 100Mbit/s as highest speed communication errors can happen. In such an
installation a 1Gbit/s Ethernet switch should be used.