© REA Elektronik GmbH, Teichwiesenstraße 1 D-64367 Muehltal
REA VeriCube Operating Manual Version 2.16 – 11/2020
Page 51 of 119
During the reflectance adjustment, a progress window appears. The adjustments for
the red and white lighting are always performed one after the other and last for
about 2-3 minutes.
After finishing this process, the scale adjustment will automatically be selected:
Scale adjustment
As a third step, the scale adjustment is performed.
Picture: position of calibration card for scale adjustment
With the help of the live video representation, the Data Matrix code, which is
designated with Dnom = 0.5, is now positioned as precisely as possible in the middle
of the cross hair and perpendicular to the image section. With OK button the scale
adjustment can be started.
Camera modules with 8mm and with 50mm
focal length have to be adjusted
and calibrated with the other symbol sizes: