PiXtend V2 -L- Hardware Manual
6.4.2.Digital outputs
Twelve digital outputs (DO0 - DO11) enable the switching of DC consumers with voltages
up to 30 V and currents up to 0.5 A.
Switching external power relays
Operation of small DC motors & RC model servos
Connect to the inputs of other control units
Heating and peltier elements
Fans and blowers
Lamps for DC and power LEDs
All twelve digital outputs are short-circuit and overload-proof. The outputs correspond to
"protected and short-circuit proof outputs" as in the PLC standard (IEC 61131-2).
These are so-called high-side switches which are supplied with energy via a separate
infeed (four outlets per supply). Each supply has an LED which informs about the
presence of the supply voltage. The digital outputs and their supply are each located on a
common sixfold terminal block.
Further LEDs signal the states of the outputs.
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Figure 61: Terminal block - digital outputs