PiXtend V2 -L- Hardware Manual
6.6.2.DHT11/22, AM2302 Sensors
It is also possible to connect up to four temperature and humidity sensors externally to
PiXtend V2 -L-. The four PiXtend GPIOs are used for this purpose.
The sensors with the names "DHT11", "DHT22" or "AM2302" are common and popular
"low cost" sensors, which can be obtained from electronics dealers or directly from sales
platforms such as Ebay or Amazon from the Far East. The price range is 3-15 € per
The sensors are designed for indoor use.
The measurement and electrotechnical details can be found in the data sheets of the
respective sensors.
The connection notes for the sensors are given in chapter: GPIOs as digital inputs and
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Figure 80: Temperature
and humidity sensor