PiXtend V2 -L- Hardware Manual
4.2.3.Stainless Steel Hood
The stainless steel hood protects your Raspberry Pi and PiXtend V2 -L- from direct
contact. It also protects the user from accidental contact with energized parts.
The stainless steel hood is
especially designed for
the shape and the connections of the
Raspberry Pi models B+, 2 B, 3 B and 3 B+
. Other models can not be used due to their
special mechanics or the position of the connections.
After assembly of the hood, all connections and jumpers are no longer accessible. Before
assembling, you should consider the following points:
For which voltages should the analog inputs (
AI0 - AI3
) and the digital inputs (
DI0 -
) be configured?
→ Remove or insert the jumpers accordingly
The switch "
" should be set to "
". The power supply for Raspberry Pi and
PiXtend V2 -L- then runs over a common power supply. No opening is provided on
the hood for a separate connection of the Raspberry Pi supply (microUSB port).
Make use of
CAN or
analog outputs (AO)
→ Set jumper accordingly
is used - should the send and receive circuit work in
automatic or
→ Change the jumper accordingly
For information on jumpers, switches, and their effects, please refer to the Chapter 5
on page 42.
After setting the jumpers and switches, we start with the assembly of the stainless steel
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