PiXtend V2 -L- Hardware Manual
5.6. Error LED “L1“-Signals
Some error situation do not allow the microcontroller to communicate it’s state to the
Raspberry Pi and the governing software component. For these situations an LED (L1)
was placed on the PiXtend V2 -L- board to help the user to determine the source of a
problem if there is no communication with the microcontroller or for example if the
watchdog has triggered.
The meaning of the different LED (L1) signals can be found below.
State (Signal)
Possible solutions
Ready, no error
On / Blinking very fast
Communication error (SPI)
Check switch “SPI_EN”, check used software
component for correct operation, only one
program at a time is allowed to communicate
with the micro-controller.
In C programs the Input and Output structure
variables must be declared globally or locally the
keyword “static” is needed.
Blinking fasr (0,2 s)
Watchdog was triggered
Shutdown RPi and turn off any power supply
(power cycle). The PiXtend-microcontroller
needs to restart in order to get it to work again.
Fading (3 s)
AC/Retain error
The supply voltage is too low and the Retain
function is activated, no Retain data can be
saved. Check if the supply voltage has 24 volts.
Pulsing (5 s)
Shutdown (safe state)
The micro-controller is going or is in safe state.
The bit 0 within the control byte UCCtrl1 was
set. See the Software Manual for more
Table 6: LED L1 Signals
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