PiXtend V2 -L- Hardware Manual
6.5.2.Analog Outputs
PiXtend V2 -L- has two analog voltage outputs. The independent channels can be used to
generate output voltages in the range of 0..10 V in 10 mV steps.
Supply and control of small loads: Mini-DC motor, light-emitting diode(s)
Function generator (output of sine, rectangle and triangle voltages, etc.)
Connect to analog inputs of other control units and power amplifiers
Control analog displays
The two outputs are short-circuit-proof and can drive a current of 10 mA in normal
operation. The analog outputs are supplied by PiXtend's central voltage regulator.
The fine tuning of the output voltage range is possible via the two potentiometers T0 and
T1 on PiXtend V2 -L-.
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Figure 75: Terminal block - analog outputs