Art. No. ..5192KRMTSD
Art. No. ..5194KRMTSD Display functions
Indication of the controller operating mode
The controller extension can indicate the current operating mode of the controller in the display.
Just like on the controller itself, the operating mode is indicated by the comfort
, standby
and frost/heat protection
A comfort extension
can also be shown in the display. This display information
is obtained from the communication objects "RNST
.Display fct.Input controller status" and
.Display fct.Input controller status addition". These objects should be connected to the
main controller objects with the same function!
It is not possible to use the display information to distinguish whether the operating mode has
been set via a forced object or via the ‘normal’ operating mode change-over in case of a
KONNEX change-over. It is possible to change over the operating mode using the control
function of the controller extension.
It is not possible to change over the controller operating mode in the menu level on a
controller extension in local control.
Indication of a setpoint shift
The controller extension can indicate on the display in the form of a line graphic "
- - - -
- - - -
whether a basic setpoint shift has been adjusted on the controller. Furthermore, the display
shows whether the shift is active in the positive
- - - -
" or negative "
- - - -
direction. A bar
corresponds to shifting by one level value. The value of a level can be parameterised in the
ETS. If no shift is active, only "0" is displayed.
In order for the display of a basic setpoint shift to function correctly, the "B.Controller extension
current setpoint shifting" communication object has to be connected to the object of the same
function in the main controller. A basic setpoint shift can also be set using the operating function
of the controller extension.
For the controller extension to be able to display the setpoint shift correctly, the extension must
also be configured and matched to the functions of the main controller. These functions are
matched by the "step width of the 4-level setpoint shift" parameter in the parameter node "Room
temperature control". These parameters must agree with the settings of the parameters of the
same name in the main controller.
It is not possible to perform a basic setpoint shift in the menu level on a controller extension
in local control.
Indication of setpoint temperature
The controller extension can indicate the setpoint temperature of the room temperature
controller in the display. If this display is desired, then the communication object
.Display fct.Input setpoint temperature" must be linked to the functionally-identical
object of the main controller. In addition, the display of the extension must be configured for the
indication of the temperature setpoint. For this, display information in the "Display" parameter
block must be configured to "Setpoint temperature".
Indication of the heating and cooling messages
The main controller can indicate on the display that heating and cooling energy is requested by
the heating or cooling systems. This is indicated by the
icon for heating or by the
icon for
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Software "Room controller display compact module 146x11"
Functional description