Art. No. ..5192KRMTSD
Art. No. ..5194KRMTSD
Function of the status LEDs "Setpoint value shift indicator", "Presence status indicator" and
"Inverted presence status indicator":
With these LED functions, too, the room temperature controller function or the controller
extension must have been activated on parameter page "Room temperature controller..." in
order for a status LED to indicate the setpoint shift or the presence status of a room temperature
controller function. When a setpoint shift is indicated, the LED evaluates the value of the object
"C.Output - Current setpoint shift" or "Controller extension - Current setpoint shift" and switches
either on or off, depending on the parameter configuration in the ETS. In the case of
configuration as controller extension, this object must be linked via a group address to the
object of the controller with the same function.
When indicating the presence status, the LED evaluates the state of the object "C.Input/Output -
Presence object" or "Controller extension - Presence button" and indicates it immediately
(presence mode on = LED on / presence mode off = LED off). When using the device as a
controller extension, this object, too, must be linked via a group address to the same object of
the controller.
The communication objects "Presence button", "Current setpoint shift" and "Controller
status" of the internal controller or controller extension update themselves automatically
after a reset, if the parameter "Value request from controller extension" on parameter page
"Configuration..." is set to "Yes". Updating is effected by means of a value read telegram to
the room temperature controller. The thermostat must answer the request with a value
return telegram. If the push-button sensor does not receive the answer, the status LED
remains off (object value "0"). In this case, the object must first be actively rewritten by the
bus after a reset before a status information can be indicated by the LED.
This is also the case, when the "Value request from controller extension?" is set to "No".
Function of the status LED "Fan controller display":
This function of a status LED is only available for the TSM.
With this LED function, too, the room temperature controller function must have been activated
on the parameter page "Room temperature controller..." in order for a status LED to indicate the
fan controller of a room temperature controller. When a fan controller is indicated, the LED
evaluates the current status of the fan controller of the internal controller and switches either on
or off, depending on the parameter configuration in the ETS. Depending on the project design,
the status display is performed for automatic fan controller or manual controller.
Function of status LED as "comparator"
The status LED can indicate whether a parameterized reference value is greater than, equal to
or less than the 1-byte object value of the status object. This comparator can be used for
unsigned (0 … 255) or for signed integers (-128 … 127). The data format of the comparison is
defined by the function of the status LED.
The status LED lights up only if the comparison is "true".
After a reset or after ETS programming, the value of the LED object is always "0".
User-defined colour setting, superimposed function and automatic colour change
The colour of the status LEDs can be adjusted. If no 3-colour individual control is configured in
the parameterisation, red, green and blue can be selected from for the status LED colours in the
ETS. In the colour configuration, a distinction is made between whether all of the status LEDs of
the basic device or extension module have the same colour (common colour setting), or
whether alternatively different colours can be configured for the LEDs (separate colour setting).
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Software "Room controller display compact module 146x11"
Functional description