Art. No. ..5192KRMTSD
Art. No. ..5194KRMTSD Standard display function
The room controller display compact module can be configured and put into operation without a
great deal of project design work using a standard operating and display function.
This function can be switched on or off using the parameter "Standard display function (TSM)"
on the parameter page "Configuration TSM".
When the standard display function is switched on, the status LEDs of the device optionally
execute the following functions:
The left or right row of status LEDs continuously visualise the current setpoint shift of a
All 8 status LEDs visualise the fan level of a controller temporarily after a fan level
Both functions of the status display function can be enabled together. The enabled standard
display function can be adjusted on the "Standard display function" parameter page according
to the user's requirements.
The precondition for a functioning standard display function is the project design of the
room temperature controller and the configuration of the TSM.
If the standard display function is activated, the following parameters are permanently set:
"Function and colour of all status LEDs = User-defined ..." and "Colour of all status LEDs =
Colour selection per status LED".
Predefined status LED functions
With the enabled standard display function of the compact room controller module, the LED
functions of the basic module are optionally predefined. The standard display function contains
the display of the setpoint shift and the temporary fan level display via the status LED.
The status LEDs are internally connected to the controller. No group addresses need be
Standard display function: Setpoint shift
In the ETS, the parameter "Side of LED row setpoint shift" defines whether the device shows
the status of the current setpoint shift using four status LEDs. The parameter also defines the
side of the device upon which the current setpoint shift is shown. The device either shows the
current setpoint shift on the right-hand side (status LEDs 2, 4, 6 and 8) or on the left-hand side
of the device (status LEDs 1, 3, 5 and 7). A positive adjustment is represented by a red
illuminated status LED and a negative adjustment by a blue status LED. The status LEDs of the
selected side are permanently set to the visualisation of the setpoint shift and cannot be
changed further on the parameter pages of the status LED. By contrast, the status LEDs of the
unselected side can be designed freely when the standard display function is active.
The parameter "Setpoint shift display" on the "Configuration TSM" parameter page determines
whether the standard display function setpoint shift is displayed in two (figure 74) or 4 steps
(figure 72).
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Software "Room controller display compact module 146x11"
Functional description