Art. No. ..5192KRMTSD
Art. No. ..5194KRMTSD
Full-surface operation with Venetian blind function
When a rocker is configured for Venetian blind operation and if the operation concept "long –
short or short" is used, the push-button sensor needs some time at the beginning of each
operation in order to distinguish between a short and a long operation. When full-surface
operation is enabled, the device can make use of this time span to evaluate the otherwise
invalid simultaneous actuation of both buttons of a rocker.
Full-surface operation of a rocker switch is detected by the device when both buttons are
pressed at the same time. As soon as the device detects a valid, full-surface operation, both
status LEDs of the rocker flash green. The status LEDs flash for the length of the operation.
Full-surface operation must have been detected before the first telegram has been transmitted
by the Venetian blind function (short time or long time). If this is not so (e.g. one of the two
buttons is pressed too late), the full-surface operation will not be correctly executed.
A full-surface operation is independent. It has a communication object of its own an can
optionally be used for switching (ON, OFF, TOGGLE – toggling of the object value) or for scene
recall without or with storage function. In the last case, the full-surface actuation on causes a
scene to be recalled in less than a second. If the device is to send the telegram for storing a
scene, full-surface actuation must be maintained for more than five seconds. If full-surface
actuation ends between the first and the fifth second, the device will not send any telegrams. If
the status LEDs of the rocker are used as "button-press displays", they will light up for three
seconds during transmission of the storage telegram.
Page 175 of 309
Software "Room controller display compact module 146x11"
Functional description