Art. No. ..5192KRMTSD
Art. No. ..5194KRMTSD
The brightness of the LCD backlighting in the switched-on state (always on, through button-
press, night mode or 1-bit object) and the display contrast can be set locally on the device
in the menu level (see chapter 2.5.2. Menu level). The brightness value set in the menu
level is saved in the device in non-volatile memory, and overwrites the value last
programmed using the ETS.
When the brightness value is set in the menu level, the following points must be noted in
combination with the 1-byte brightness value object:
- In transition to the menu level, the lighting is switched on using the value last set via the
value object. If the backlighting is controlled exclusively via the value object, the following
applies: If the object value is 0...9 %, then the backlighting is controlled to 10% minimum
brightness (initial value after commissioning) or to the value last selected in the menu level
(5...100%). If the backlighting can also be switched on by pressing a button, the following
applies: If the object value is 0...9 %, the backlighting is set to the last value programmed
via the ETS or selected in the menu level (5...100 %).
In the menu level, the menu item "Brightness" always offers the value from the ETS or the
value last set using the buttons "
" or "
". If the menu item "Brightness" is selected, the
device always works with the brightness value displayed in the menu level (a before
activation of the object value received in the menu level is then discarded).
- If a brightness value is received while the menu level is active, then when the menu level
is exited a decision is made whether the settings of the operating level are saved or not.
During saving, the brightness value last received by the object is discarded and the value
of the menu level is adopted. If no saving is performed, the object value last received is
adopted as the new brightness value. In this case the adoption takes place in the
configuration "Switching on the lighting by pressing a button and value object" only after the
time for automatic switch-off has elapsed.
After a programming via the ETS or after a bus reset the value of the communication object
of the backlighting is always "0", which means that the lighting is switched off.
Switching on the backlighting or dimming it up is performed immediately. Switching off or
dimming down is performed gradually (soft OFF with fixed dimming time implemented).
In the un-programmed delivery state of the of the device (indication of the firmware version
in the display) or during a programming process ("
" shown in the display), the
brightness value of the backlighting is preset to the initial brightness (100 %).
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Software "Room controller display compact module 146x11"
Functional description