Art. No. ..5192KRMTSD
Art. No. ..5194KRMTSD
Presence (Presence detector)
No presence
(Presence detector)
Presence (Presence button)
No presence
(Presence button)
Window opened
No window opened
Additional level active
Additional level inactive
Heat protection active
Heat protection inactive
Controller disabled
(dew point operation)
Controller not disabled
Table 11: Bit encoding of the 1 byte additional status telegram
Upon a reset, the additional status object will be updated after the initialisation phase. After
this, the status will be updated cyclically every 30 seconds in parallel with the command
value calculation of the controller command values.
Command value limit
Optionally a command value limit can configured in the ETS. The command value limit allows
the restriction of calculated command values to the range limits "minimum" and "maximum". The
limits are permanently set in the ETS and, if command value limitation is active, can be neither
undershot or exceeded during device operation. It is possible, if available, to specify various
limiting values for the basic and additional stages and for heating and cooling.
It should be noted that the command value limit has no effect with "2-point feedback
control" and with "Transmitting of command values for heating and cooling via a common
object"! In that case it is still possible to configure the command value limit in the ETS, but it
will have no function.
The "Command value limit" parameter on the parameter page "Room temperature control ->
Controller general -> Command values and status output" defines the mode of action of the
limiting function. The command value limit can either be activated or deactivated using the 1-bit
communication object "Command value limit", or be permanently active. When controlling via
the object, it is possible to have the controller activate the command value limit automatically
after bus voltage return or an ETS programming operation. Here the "Command value limit after
reset" parameter defines the initialisation behaviour. In the "Deactivated" setting, the command
value limit is not automatically activated after a device reset. A "1" telegram must first be
received via the "Command value limit" object for the limit to be activated. In the "Activated"
setting, the controller activates the command value limit automatically after a device reset. To
deactivate the limit a "0" telegram must be received via the "Command value limit" object. The
limit can be switched on or off at any time using the object.
With a permanently active command value limit, the initialisation behaviour cannot be
configured separately after a device reset, as the limit is always active. In this case it is also not
possible to configure any object.
Page 141 of 309
Software "Room controller display compact module 146x11"
Functional description