BAT32G1x9 user manual | Chapter 8 Timer B
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(1) Example of a step setup step for the phase count mode
An example of the setup steps for the phase count mode is shown in Figure 8-26.
Figure 8-26 Example of the setup steps of the phase count mode
(1)must set TBMDF bit of TBMR register to 1,
select phase counting mode
(2)must set TBSTART bit of TBMR register to 1,
and start counting of TB register.
phase counting mode
select phase counting mode
start counting
<phase counting mode>
(2) Run the example
An example of the phase count mode is shown in Figures 8-27 to 8-30.
In phase count mode, the TBBCLK0 pin is summed up according to the setting of the CNTEN0~CNTEN7
bits of the TBCNTC register
The TBCLK1 pin is counted on the double side of the rising edge ( )/falling edge ( ).
Figure 8-27 Example of the phase count mode 1
while TBCNTC register value as "FFH"
TBCLK1 input
TBCLK0 input
Value of TB register