BAT32G1x9 user manual | Chapter 7 Timer A
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Figure 7-13 Example of operation of the event counter pattern 2
TAIO pin event input
Counter of TIMER A
TSTART bit of
TACR0 register
The below precaution note only is relevant to the event counting mode configuration while TIOGT1 and TIOGT0 bit of
TAIOC0 register is configured as "01B" or "10B".
NOTE1. To have synchronization control, 2 cycles of counting source clock delay can be reflected before counting
execution starts.
2. the 2 counting source clock can start counting based on the state of previous counting stop, initialization shall be
done towards internal circuit and start counting after operational configuration. In order to invalid the change of 2 countin g
source clock after counting starts, TSTOP bit of TACR0 register shall be set to '1'.
3.To timer output singal selected by RCCPSEL1 and RCCPSEL0 bit of TAISR0 register, the pins which are allocated to
the timer output pin can not be used as other multiplex function output.
INTP4 or Timer
output Singal.
example of timing sequence to configure operational mode to following scenario.
TAMR0 register: TMOD2, 1, 0=010B (Event counter mode)
TAIOC0 register: TIOGT1,0=01B(event count during external interrupt pin defined period)
TIPF1, 0=00B (no filter)
TEDGSEL=0 (counting at rising edge)
TAISR0 register: RCCPSEL2=1(counting during H period)
start event input
configure intial value of counter