BAT32G1x9 user manual | Chapter 6 Universal timer unit Timer4/8
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Figure 6-70 Operating steps when the PWM function is performed (1/2).
Timer Unit m input clock is in stopped state (stop providing
clock, not able to write into registers)
set TM4mEN bit of peripheral enable register 0 (PER0) to '1'
Timer Unit m input clock is in active state, all channels in
operation stopped state.
configure Timer clock selection register m(TPSm), confirm
CKm0~CKm3 clock frequency
configure using timer mode register mn,mp (TMRmn,TMRmp)
of 2 channels (confirm channel operation mode).
Configure interal(period) value of Timer data register mn
(TDRmn) of master control channel, and configure duty-cycle
of slave channel TDRmp.
channel in operation stopped state
(providing clock, consume portion of power)
slave channel configuration
set TOMmp bit of timer output mode register m(TOMm) to '1'
(slave channel output mode).
Configure TOLmp bit.
Configure TOmp bit and confirm TOmp otuput initial voltage.
Set TOEmp bit to '1', enable TOmp output.
Set port regsiter and port mode regsiter to '0'.
T0mp pin in Hi-Z output state.
When port mode register set to output mode and port register
as '0', output T0mp initial configured voltage level.
Because channel is in operation stopped state, thus T0mp
remains unchange. T0mp pin output T0mp configured voltage
Timer 4 initial
Channel Initial