Quick IP Setup Summary
Lynx DSA User's Manual - 9240227J
In your Network Places, if your system and network support UPnP
discovery, you should see the added Lynx as a peripheral (similar to a
printer) connected to the network with the default name
name or with
the new UPnP Friendly Name if changed. Double clicking or selecting this
unit or name, will start your browser and present the opening page to access
the Lynx.
Depending on your system policies, your browser may not start automatically by
double-clicking on the Lynx from the UPnP discovery; in that case, start your
browser then type in the name of the added Lynx in the browser’s URL section. The
browser should present the opening page to access the Lynx.
Alternate Setup Connection
Because of performance, ease of connectivity, communication reliability, and
interface availability, the Ethernet connection is highly recommended for Lynx
If you choose, you may instead make a connection to Lynx using the RS-232 Serial
Port on your PC and with the provided null-modem cable to connect directly to the
Lynx. The USB connection is another option and will be covered in a later section.
Regardless of which connection method is used between the PC and Lynx, an
Internet Browser running on your PC will be used in all cases to communicate with,
and setup the Lynx.
Connect Your PC to the Lynx via RS-232
Communication with the Lynx via RS-232 requires that you set up a RAS account to
allow the Browser on your PC to interface with the Lynx' web-based interface.
Generally, connection to the Lynx via RS-232 is less desirable than the direct
network port connection described above because of performance and the complexity
involved to set up a RAS account on your Windows PC. Although the RS-232
interface can be used to make initial settings, it is not recommended for normal
communication with the Lynx because of the large amounts of data that need to be
Connect your PC to Lynx using the null modem cable provided with the
Set up a RAS account for your Windows PC in order to access the Lynx. See
RS-232 Connections
on page 168 for guidance on RAS setup for this wired
serial connection.
From your PC, open your Internet browser and connect to the Lynx using
RAS. If the connection is successful, the browser should present the opening
page. Due to the performance of the RS-232 interface, considerable time may
elapse before the opening page is presented. Log In to the Lynx system if