Overview of the Lynx Web Client User Interface
Lynx DSA User's Manual - 9240227J
Input Control
The Lynx provides Input #1 for PHA acquisitions (including PHA, MSS, LIST, and
TLIST) and Input #2 exclusively for MCS acquisitions. The Input selector provides
the selection for the desired Input.
The two inputs are fully independent to allow to perform separate or simultaneous
PHA and MCS acquisition. A single input can be active at any given time.
Start/Stop/Clear Control
From left to right, the Start Acquire, Stop Acquire and Clear Data control buttons are
Start Acquire
The “Start Acquire” control initiates acquisition on the
currently selected Input.
Stop Acquire
The “Stop Acquire” control terminates acquisition on the
currently selected Input.
Clear Data
The “Clear Data” clears data and elapsed time on the
currently selected Input.
Acquisition can be started only if the input is not currently active (busy) or waiting. If
the acquisition’s external control has been programmed to accept an external event,
then pressing
will arm the acquisition and the Input will enter a waiting state
until satisfied by the external event, at which time the Input state will switch to busy.
Acquisition can be stopped through the
control, through its preset-reached
condition, or through an external event if programmed to do so. When acquisition
stops the Input status will change to
Data and time on the selected Input/Group can be cleared anytime including during
acquisition if desired.
Clearing data while acquiring in MCS mode will clear the accumulated spectrum
data, reset the elapsed sweep counter, and restart a new sweep.
Clearing data while acquiring in LIST/TLIST will reset the reconstructed spectrum
data and the elapsed timers.
Pressing “Stop” while in MSS acquisition mode, the Web Client application will
request whether to stop immediately by aborting the acquisition cycle, or wait until
the end of the current cycle as dictated by the pre-programmed preset condition(s).
Pressing “Stop” while in MCS acquisition mode, the Web Client application will
request whether to stop immediately by aborting the sweep at the current channel, or
wait until the end of the current sweep is reached.