Hardware Options
Lynx DSA User's Manual - 9240227J
Please note that when HVPS Inhibit is Disabled (Off), the
Inhibit Signal on the rear panel’s HV INH connector cannot
shut down the HVPS (i.e. in case of detector warm-up)
resulting in possible damage to the detector.
Likewise, if the HVPS Inhibit is Enabled (On), but the Inhibit
Signal on the rear panel’s HV INH connector is not connected
the HVPS cannot be shut down in case of detector warm-up.
Gain Settings
Activates the settings for the Gain parameters consisting of common parameters
associated with preamplifier and amplifier. These include gains, signal attenuation,
preamplifier types, and energy window.
tab displays settings that are common to both Inputs 1 and 2.
Figure 54: General Gain Hardware Settings
Digital Offset
Specifies the digital offset value in number of channels that is applied during
acquisition to each event that is processed and stored by Input #1. Applies to PHA,
MSS, DLFC, LIST and TLIST. Value is a signed quantity ranging from -32768 to
+32767. This range cannot exceed the current the Input Size setting.