Chapter 4 System Setup
Lynx DSA User's Manual - 9240227J
Step 7 - Summary
The Summary screen displays a summary of the current MCA's configuration for
review and lets you enter the name of the MID file that the configuration is to be
saved to.
Figure 21: Summary of the Configuration
Ending the Definition
To complete your Input Definition, select
. The input that you just defined
will be stored as an MID file named
and is automatically loaded
into the MCA Runtime Configuration Database. When you select
, you will be
asked if you would like to define another input. Answering “Yes” will start the
Wizard again and “No” will close the Wizard.
Note that if you didn’t enter an Input Name, you won’t be allowed to exit the Step 3
screen. If the name you entered is the same as the name of an existing MID file, the
system informs you and goes back to Step 3 to let you enter another name.
The Step 7 Mid FileName defaults to UNTITLED, which you’ll probably want to
change to something more meaningful. If the name you enter is the same as that of an
existing MID file, the system will ask if you want to overwrite the existing file.